For all of you into email marketing I have few things to say.

First, you’ve come to right place.

Second, your subject lines suck!

Yeah that’s right I said it. But luckily you’re smart enough to fix them (most marketers aren’t).

In this post I’m going to show you a few tips that have helped not only me but lots of other marketers skyrocket their open rates.

1. Keep it short but not too short

I’m sure you’ve been told this a million times but that’s because it’s true. You only have so much room in a persons inbox to get them to open your email.

So you need to keep the subject lines short however, it is very possible to make them too short.

If you’re emailing about a new article posted then say what’s about. Don’t just say “new article.” See how boring that is. Instead say “new article about (insert article subject).” You’re much more likely to get an open and even a click.

2. Questions

This is an amazing technique that I find to be less know than others. When people are asked a question they want to answer and therefor feel a sense of interaction which puts your business in a better light.

If your email is about the new lines of IPhones coming out then the subject line could be “are you happy with your current phone?”

It doesn’t give away the subject of the email so it deserves a click as to answer the question.

3. Tell not sell

I see this rule being violated quite a bit. Marketers for whatever reason believe that the only way to sell products is by formally pitching the product.

However, this is not the case, by you pointing out a problem and simply saying that there is a solution and you have it’s going to compel people to buy.

When your email offers an affiliate offer to solve weight problems then your subject lines could look like “new easy weight loss system.” It doesn’t give the sense of the pitch at all. Just says what I have and what you could have.

See it’s not to hard to say what you have rather than say what the person could have.

4. No explanation points!

Get the irony in the sub heading? Funny right?

Peoples inbox’s are cluttered with emails that all demand opening. On top of that people have grown to be natural ad blockers, being able to determine if something is an ad, and what do all ads have in common….explanation points!

So when you use subtle subject lines it seems to be from a real person and gives a personal connection.


This goes hand in hand with previous one. Like I said, people are natural ad blockers. When you use all caps you’re virtually yelling at the person and it make you look like spam.

In fact, people are more likely to unsubscribe when you use all caps.

6. Use preview text

Most autoresponders offer a preview text option. Usually people tend to not use this when in fact, it can come in very handy.

Let me explain, your emails usually start with some type of intro “how are you”, “hi, I hope you’re having a good day” right?

Well that takes up the space of the preview text when not used. So you can use this option to get another chance at an open. Give a more in-depth description about what’s in the email.

7. Split test

Almost all autoresponders offer a split test optin for your subject lines. Use this! If you ask any marketer about how to get better results on anything they’ll always tell you “split test.” That’s for good reason, you can’t determine if results are good or bad before you know what both look like.

Autoresponders will allow an option to create different subject lines for the same email campaign. Use it to your advantage and see what type of subject lines resonate more with your audience.


Subject lines could be a whole course within itself but these are just a few quick tips that you start testing out today. If you have any questions or feedback, leave a comment below and I’ll be sure to respond!