About Joe Hansan

My name is Joe Hansan, founder of Scalable Funnels. I’d like to tell you about myself and how I got started in sales funnels. So let’s start from the beginning.

My struggles

When I first started digital marketing I was by no means a success, in fact, I was a failure, and it would stay that way for almost 2 whole years.


A full 2 years with literally making not one sale.

I felt utterly discouraged and thought that all these other people making money online were just lying. So to be honest with you, I gave up for a while because I simply could not get it to work. 🙁

How It Changed

After a multitude of failures, I started asking myself, “what am I doing wrong” I knew everything there was about online marketing and yet I still could not get it to work (at least I thought I did).

Finally, I backtracked and started learning the basics again and BOOM that’s where it all changed.

I realized that affiliate marketing, having your own website, social media marketing, whatever the case is, I have to keep something in mind “I’m running a business”.

Since I was marketing digital products it never felt “real” to me. There was no tangible item so it felt like pixie dust.

I wasn’t giving 100%, so I wasn’t getting 100%

Make’s sense right.

So I buckled down. started a little blog, grew some patience, implemented a simple sales funnel, and I actually started becoming an online success. Nothing has ever felt so amazing. That feeling of accomplishment was indescribable. Actually, I still remember everything about the moment I saw that my first sale was made.

Where I’m At Today

Today, I enjoy running a few online businesses. This one, however, is my main focus. I’ve done my homework many times over when it comes to digital marketing and integrating sales funnels. They can be put into almost any type of business (it’s actually easier than you think).

I hope you’ll take what I say seriously and actually use my advice to your advantage. I can’t wait to get started teaching you sales funnels!

I thank you for taking the time to read about me and always feel free to contact me here

Thank you and I wish you the best in your online career!