An important part of any sales funnels is having a good, strong call to action (CTA’s)

In this post we’re going to go over 10 things you can do right now that will make your CTA’s demand action!

1. Be clear

If your prospect doesn’t exactly know what to do then how will they ever do it. I know this may sound dumb but people need to be guided. For example, if the download link for the lead magnet is at the bottom of the thank you page then say exactly that.

2. Stay testing

I can’t tell you how many times people have given up because they couldn’t get anyone to take action. Well maybe it’s not compelling to the audience, or it doesn’t have something little that would’ve made the prospect  take action. You need to be testing what text works and even what colors work. It may sound like such a small detail but it really can make a world of difference.

3. Don’t clutter

People suffer from “over information’ syndrome more often than not. This can be fatal if left untreated. When people are given too much at once or are overwhelmed with what they’re getting they simply click out. How many times have you clicked a blog post and it looks like a giant dictionary (in terms of a bunch of words). So what do you do? You click off right? You can avoid this by simply giving key information and stating what the prospect is going to get by taking action.

4. Use questions and answers

You might have noticed on the home page of this website that the first thing you see is a question “are your emails converting?” and I follow that up with a call to action that says “no, I’d like a free guide”. This is a useful strategy because it almost allows for a conversation within the prospects head. He or she may not have even known that they’re emails weren’t converting until I brought it up and then offered a solution.

5. Try using different phrases

This one mainly applies to emails but can also be used in many other applications. This means that instead of saying “click here to check out (affiliate offer” you can say “get your (affiliate offer) now!” and embed the link directly on the phrase. I’ve seen this have great results because people are at a state where they can tell what’s a link and what’s not. I know this goes against the first tip but like I said in tip 2 “always be testing”.

6. Punctuation

This one is small but have big results. Something as simple as an explanation point can increase your conversion rate greatly. Also my personal favorite is using the question mark like this “are you ready for (awesome benefit)?” or “ready to stop suffering from (pain related to problem)?”

7. Highlight benefits

In today’s day and age people are very focused on what they themselves are going to get by taking action. Increase conversions by keeping it all about them. Say exactly what they’ll get out of the whole thing. Use bullet points and lists to your advantage with this section.

8. Fear of missing out (FOMO)

I learned this one from Billy McCaffey over at wordstream. It means that you should imply that there is a limited supply and the offer is not going to last forever. I’ve seen this work wonders for my conversion rates. People don’t like to be left out so when they hear that they might be left behind it really strikes them.

However, be honest with this. If you say that the deal isn’t going to last forever then you need to make sure that it doesn’t last forever. If someone comes to your website and see’s that there is only 6 left in stock but when they comeback a month later and see that there is still only 6 left in stock they’re not going to trust you or your business.

9. Include prices

This one is simple so I’m going to spell it out.

If someone comes to your website with prior knowledge to your prices then they’re obviously still interested and are therefore a valuable visitor. But if someone doesn’t know your prices and they come to your website they could be “scared” off and then the potential sale is lost.

Include your prices so they know what they’re getting and weed out the “freebies”.

10. Be a little mean

This one needs to be used to an extent. For example if your website is about gardening then your exit button for the optin box could say “no thanks, I like my crappy garden” or “I’m happy with nothing growing” It’ s a little straight forward but it strikes people to take action because they realize that they are sick of the problem.

However, don’t be straight up rude. Use this to an extent and test if it even works for you audience.


  • Test everything!
  • Be clear with what you want them to do
  • Don’t over clutter with too much information
  • Ask a question and offer a solution as your CTA
  • Use a variety of phrases
  • Add the correct punctuation that compels to your audience
  • Highlight what the prospect themselves are getting
  • Imply that there is a limited supply or limited time to take action (FOMO)
  • State the prices so they know what they’re getting before they get scared off
  • Strike their emotions with sort of mean call to actions

Thank you for reading! I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions or feedback feel free to contact me.